Trash Pick-Up Guidelines
Unless already arranged with the office ALL carts need to be by the side of the road for pick-up. If your can is not at the road for pick-up you will be missed and have to wait for next week's pick-up.
All carts should be put out the night before your pick-up date to avoid being missed.
ALL TRASH NEEDS TO BE IN TRASH BAGS TIED SECURELY. We will no longer be picking up loose trash in cans.
No Furniture
No Tires
No Yard Waste
No Construction Debris
No Hazardous Materials (Paint, Paint Thinner, etc)
No Dead Animals
Cardboard- anything smaller than a shoe box needs to be in a bag- anything larger can be broken down and put in can or beside can.
If you need to add a personal can to your account or need another CWM can please call the office. If an extra can is not listed on your account trash will not be picked up from any other can.
Please try to keep the lid closed to keep rain from building up at the bottom of the can!